I like to think of people as flowers. We are all growing at our own rates. We have to be patient with each other. Before you can grow into a beautiful flower, sometimes you have to go throw a storm, you have to be stepped on or leave a few things behind. This can be so hard for some people. So here are a few tips on how to find yourself.
Feel something
It will help you clear your mind and you'll be able to think much more easily.
Focus on the physical things around you.
Try going outside, reading book, write a poem, watching the office, praying or staying offline for a day.
Just don't go to sleep. That will not help you at all. It's just pushing off all the things you have to do until later and that's not healthy for you.
Make list.
Make list of things you think you want to try and actually try them. It’s always good to try new things. ( I got curious at my job about pea soup so I tried it and now I know that I will not be trying it ever again.)
Make list of goals you want to reach, long term and short term.
It is okay to explore new horizons. You just have to convince yourself it is.
Stop focusing on the past
People say this all the time.
Walt Disney says this all the time just in different ways.
"Keep moving forward" from Meet the Robinsons.
“The past can hurt but the way I see it. You can either run from it... or learn from it“ from the Lion King
”The past is in the past” from Frozen.
These make it seem so easy to forget everything in the past. Because it’s disney but also because the past is why you are here today.
You must realize what you need to let go of. Maybe it’s a toxic friendship, or simply just a bad habit of bitting your nails. ( if you paint your nails and tell yourself that they are too pretty for you to bite you’ll start to believe it and you won‘t bite them. It worked for me.)
You must forgive yourself for holding on to what ever it is you were holding onto and cut all ties with it. EXPECIALLY IF IT IS A PERSON.
Block them, get a restraining order, delete their number. Just do whatever you can to get that person out of your life. You’ll feel much better.
Just remember your past doesn’t equal your future.
Remember you‘ll find yourself one day, and you might lose yourself the next. You just have to remember not to give up. There’s only one way to grow and that’s up. ( For most of us)
May happiness and smiles be yours,
The Tyrant <3