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Writer's pictureTyrant

Why You Should Drop Fake Friends

There’s things you should care about. Like your friends and family and pets and that random pain when your lower backside hurts Because you’re dehydrated. You should care about those.

But here is one thing you shouldn’t care about.

What people have to say about you.

Usually people who say things behind your back or throw shade for no reason are toxic friends or family. But first you need to acknowledge who is the toxic person.

Toxic friends:

- Take advantage of your generosity

- Usually jealous of your successes

- lack faith in you

- Untrustworthy

- they judge you

- They love drama

You really shouldnt care what this person says, that they think and what they do with their life because they aren’t good for you. They bring you down. They bring out the worst in you, not the best in you. They make you have anxiety over little things. They talk about you behind your back and that can turn into rumors.

You want people who bring out the best in you. You deserve the best and people who talk about you behind your back aren’t what you deserve.

You deserve the best,

~ The Tyrant

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2019년 3월 06일

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